Changing the way we deliver advice, knowledge and representation in 2023
It is my pleasure to introduce our new way of delivering timely employment and workplace relations advice, knowledge and representation commencing 1 July 2023. While the same timely advice and support that we have always provided will continue, the way in which it is delivered will change. Maguire Legal is taking over from Maguire Consulting, offering legal advice and support to your organisation in meeting your employment obligations under Australian employment and workplace law. Maguire Legal Subscribe service replaces Employee Relations Online yearly subscriptions.
Why change?
In an increasingly complex regulatory environment there is significant demand for comprehensive business, employment and human resource management support overlayed with solid legal advice and representation for employers. Every day, there are reports of so called ‘wage theft’, prosecutions and fines imposed on businesses by the courts. Unfair dismissal, adverse action claims, workplace bullying and sexual harassment and discrimination disputes are costly to resolve. The financial and reputation risks to employers is substantial.
Maguire Legal provides the timely advice you have enjoyed over the years, including: a comprehensive suite of information on wages and conditions, HRM templates and guides, early advice and representation on unfair dismissal matters. We combine these with the benefits of client legal privilege and our increased capacity to represent you in the Federal Court, Federal Circuit and Family Court, administrative tribunals such as the AAT as well as the Fair Work Commission. We are scheduling more Zoom Webinars enabling you to keep up to date on the latest issues and interact with other clients throughout Australia. We will explore the world of podcasting as another means of communicating interesting and valuable information to support you. The LinkedIn ERO forum becomes the Maguire Legal LinkedIn group where all news will be posted and available for you to share with colleagues.
Next steps
If your yearly subscription expires at the end of June, then starting today, we will be inviting you to sign up to the Maguire Legal Subscribe service for the next financial year commencing 1 July 2023. If your Employee Relations Online yearly subscription doesn’t expire until later in the year, nothing will change for you until we get closer to the expiry date. I will be in touch with you soon to discuss what this means for your organisation, including the fees and charges.
If Maguire Legal Subscribe doesn’t suit your organisation or business, then you can always access our legal advice when you need it on a very competitive fee for service basis.
Further information
Check out the new Maguire Legal website describing the range of legal and business services on offer. Contact me today if you want to schedule an online meeting to discuss how we can tailor the best solution for your organisation. Thanks for your continuing loyalty.
Paul Maguire